
CTC is a not-for-profit organization that supports the recreational and competitive athlete. We are a member of the Missouri Valley Association of USA Track & Field, the governing body of track & field, racewalking and distance running.

Our History

The Columbia Track Club was founded in November, 1968. Bill Clark was Director of Recreation for the Columbia Parks and Recreation Department. He had promoted many running and race-walking events over the previous several years, mostly notably the Heart of America Marathon in 1960. In the fall of 1968 he placed a notice in the Columbia Daily Tribune, for which he was a columnist, announcing a meeting for those who were interested in forming a track club. This meeting was held with ten interested people in attendance. It was decided to proceed with the formation of the club, emphasizing distance running and race-walking as a way to fitness for everyone. A meeting was held at the home of Joe Duncan and the club was formally organized with the decision to incorporate. The club was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation, by-laws were created and a schedule set for races in 1969.

The main objective of the club was to have a year-round program of distance running and race-walking for everyone. Individual improvement towards fitness was emphasized although competition was also encouraged. The club did achieve its objectives for, even today, it has a year-round program for everyone, highlighted by a couple of mega-races and the Heart of America Marathon which held its 60th Annual running in 2019.

Probably the best decision made by the club was to develop a fitness program for the youth of Columbia emphasizing running and walking. In March, 1974 the Board of Directors voted to establish a Youth Program for kids, ages 3-18. The idea was to have meets on 6 Wednesday evenings at the Hickman HS track during the summer. The meets would consist of 5 running events and a 1-mile walk. The participation fee would be a one-time $1. A similar format continues to this day with 5 Wednesday evenings, 6 running events including 50-yard dash, 100-meter dash, 200-meter run, 400 meter run, 800 meter run, and 1-mile run. Also, long jump and shot put have been added. The current cost is $5 per child/maximum $10 per family.

In the late 80’s CTC established a scholarship fund to assist graduating High School Seniors who meet certain criteria in the CTC By-Laws. Over 30 $500-$1,000 scholarships have been awarded with this program. In 2022, this program was replaced by a new scholarship fund that is managed through the Community Foundation of Central Missouri. CFCM provides scholarships for Columbia Track Club and Blue Thunder Track Club members. To make a donation by check, note “For CTC/BTTC Scholarship Fun” in the memo section. Check should be payable and send to Community Foundation of Central Missouri, PO Box 6015, Columbia, MO 65205. Any donation is irrevocable but provides a charitable tax deduction. The Foundation (CFCM) manages the funds, makes investments, issues statements, sends applications to the schools and disburses the scholarship money to recipients. Contact CFCM for more information.

Community Good Will

In 2001, CTC donated a water fountain to the MKT trailhead at Scott Boulevard. In addition CTC has given a helping hand to several hospitals and charitable organizations over the years. Mid-Missouri Fisher House has been a Charity Partner of the Heart of America Marathon since 2020. The Heart of America Marathon Friends of Mid-MO Fisher House Fund was established in 2022 through the  Community Foundation of Central Missouri. Contact CFCM for more information. Rock Bridge Revenge Trail Runs donates to the Columbia Missouri Trail Association and Friends of Rock Bridge Memorial State Park.

Presidents of the Columbia Track Club

Joe Duncan Nov 1968 to Oct 1987
Tom Coon Nov 1987 to June 1989
Joe Marks July 1989 to June 1991
Steve Stonecipher-Fisher July 1991 to Dec 1992
Joe Marks Jan 1993 to Nov 1995
Curt Kempf Dec 1995 to Oct 1997
Dick Hessler Nov 1997 to Nov 2004
Linda LaFontaine Dec 2004 to Dec 2009
Bill Stolz Jan 2010 to Dec 2012
Matt Dreier Jan 2012
Beth Luebbering Jan 2012 to Feb 2018
Tom May Mar 2018 to Sept 2018
Vacant Oct 2018 to April 2019
Steve Stonecipher-Fisher May 2019 to October 2020
Nancy Rezabek November 2020 to October 2021
Nancy Taube November 2021 to October 2022
Beth Kelly December 2022 to present

CTC Board of Directors

  • Beth Kelly, president (term expires 10-2026)
  • Karen Hodges, vice-president (term expires 10-2024)
  • Ryan King, treasurer (term expires 10-2026)
  • Greg Blomquist, secretary (term expires 10-2024)
  • Allan Benjamin (term expires 10-2025)
  • Larry Flynn (term expires 10-2026)
  • Becky Hennessy (term expires 10-2025)
  • Jim Lootens-White (term expires 10-2024)
  • Nancy Yaeger (term expires 10-2025)

To contact us, please email columbiatrackclub@gmail.com


  • Hugh Emerson, webmaster
  • Andy Emerson, webmaster, social media coordinator
  • Andy Emerson, newsletter editor

To contact us, please email columbiatrackclub@gmail.com

CTC publishes a newsletter up to eight times per year. The web site will always be an issue behind.



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