2011 CIGS 4M
Overall Finish List
April 16, 2011
Show-Me State Games
It was 39 degrees with 20 mph winds at 9:00 am on Saturday, April 16th. Twentyeight participants set out to celebrate smobriety. Thirtytwo minutes later Kaylyn Crane crossed the finished line as the First place, Over all, Womens, Non-Smoker with Allison Troutwine just three minutes and for seconds behind her taking second place, women's, non-smoker.

Doug Jokerst came in one minute and 2 seconds behind Kaylyn taking First Place Men's, Over all, Non-smokers. Alec Sheridan was just twenty two seconds behind Doug taking second place, men's, non-smokers.

The first ex-smoker came in at 35 minutes and 3 seconds. It was Kelly Fuch taking First Place, Over all, Women's, Ex-smokers. Dawn Maxwell ran 3 minutes and 22 seconds behind her ex-smoker competor taking second place, women's, ex-smoker.

The second ex-smoker the cross the finish line was in the men's division. Kenneth Bartley took First Place, Over all, Men's, Ex-smokers with 35 minutes and 46 seconds. Mark Parachini took the second place, men's ex-smoker's trophy with 38 minutes and 5 seconds.

The 2011 running of the CIGs Race is the 5th year of the event. It celebrates 7 years of smoking cessation for your race director. We put 28 participants in the record books this year with two of them being walkers. A cold and windy day left no doubt that these were some of history's hardiest runners. With this run being a joint effort between Show-Me State Games and the Columbia Track Club I am proud to make a shout out to Emily Lorenz of the Show-Me State Games for all of her effort bringing this race to Columbians. Tom Allen of the Columbia Track Club was the official race timer. Both entities provided volunteers as did the University of Missouri's School of Medicine and the University of Missouri's Healthy for Life program.

This year's trophies were produced uniquely for the race by Kevin McClary and donated by the Missouri River Monument Company in Boonville. B&B Bagels provided bagels to snack on.

We also want to remember the University of Missouri Healthcare's EMTs as always in the races history provided a vehicle to secure the health and safety of the event's participants.
--Jim Linville, race director

BibTimeCategoryGenderAgeAge GroupName
43732:00.75NF2219-24Kaylyn Crane
41833:02.55NM3835-39Doug Jokerst
42633:24.06NM2319-24Alec Sheridan
43135:03.32EF4140-44KELLY FUCH
44535:04.04NF3030-34ALLISON TROUTWINE
44035:24.07NF18YouthALYSON MONGLER
44235:24.58NM4845-49DARIN MONGLER
42735:28.97NM2525-29Kevin Kenny
42235:46.04EM5450-54Kenneth Bartley
42136:29.54NF3430-34ALICIA OZENBERGER
42537:11.56NF2119-24Samantha Gerke
41937:55.82NF10YouthCaroline Stevens
42438:05.92EM2725-29Mark Parachini
42038:17.97NM4545-49Rodney Stevens
43038:22.58NF1919-24AMY HUDSON
41738:25.61EF5250-54DAWN MAXWELL
42938:41.40NF5150-54SCHILA HUDSON
42838:52.14NF4745-49JOHNNA LEULL
44439:22.23NF3735-39Nicolette Kumar
43841:32.21NM7670-79JOE DUNCAN
42348:36.22NF5555-59S Diane Bartley
43456:17.38NF8YouthGENEVIEVE JONES
43256:48.60NF6YouthMEREDITH JONES
43557:57.25EF4240-44KERI JONES
43660:44.14NF6360-69LINDA VOGT