1997 Showme Stampede 5K
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1997 Showme Stampede 5K

                                     SHOW-ME STAMPEDE 5K
               The Show-Me Stampede was held on Saturday April 26 at Reactor
               Park.  A total of 72 runners completed the race. The race
               sponsored by the Show Me State Games and the Missouri Beef
               Industry Council as a means of promoting excitment for the
               upcoming Show Me State games.  All finishers automatically
               qualified for the games this summer.  A barbecue was held
               following the race and the rain held off for another fantastic
                                                     Tom Smith - Race Director
                                        RACE RESULTS         
               Male Finishers                     Time      Overall Place
               1.   Jeff Mittelhauser             16:43          1
               2.   Darrin Young                  18:45          2
               3.   Tom Davis                     18:51          3
               4.   Kevin Tyler                   18:54          4
               5.   James Wilbur                  19:10          5
               6.   Richard Twigg                 19:52          6
               7.   Hugh Murrell                  20:12          7
               8.   William Casey                 20:29          8
               9.   Chuck Sattler                 20:47          9
               10.  James Walls                   20:50          10
               11.  Chuck Ewing                   20:59          11
               12.  Tim Koski                     21:04          12   
               13.  Robert Simmons                21:08          13
               14.  Wm. Stockglausner             21:10          14
               15.  Kevin Woodland                21:19          15
               16.  Dean Stover                   21:43          17
               17.  Greg Logsdon                  21:47          18
               18.  Travis Ballenger              21:54          19
               19.  George Faust                  22:03          20
               20.  Michael Stroh                 22:16          22
               21.  Chuck Archer                  22:20          23
               22.  Cole Stanberry                22:39          24
               23.  John Schulz                   22:45          25
               24.  Donald Ballenger              22:46          26
               25.  Michael Becktell              23:03          27
               26.  Micheal McGowan               24:08          30
               27.  David Kimberling              24:17          31
               28.  JW Sanders                    24:24          33
               29.  Scott Elmwood                 24:27          34
               30.  Don Waltman                   24:37          35
               31.  Bob Humphreys                 25:00          36
               32.  Andrew Christensen            25:19          37
               33.  Ken Crutchfield               25:34          39
               34.  Ken Hirlinger                 26:21          43
               35.  Chad Sapp                     27:28          48
               36.  Dan Davis                     27:34          49
               37.  Ray Rutherford                29:06          54
               38.  Christopher Harris            31:15          57
               39.  Richard Luecke                31:21          58
               40.  Barney Sword                  31:53          59
               41.  James Morris                  33:00          61
               42.  Decha Enkvetchakul            34:49          66
               43.  Jon Rudicil                   35:54          69
               44.  Joe Craggin                   44:11          71
               45.  Tom Marrero                   67:54          72
               Female Finishers                   Time      Overall Place
               1.   Lisa Wells                    21:26          16
               2.   Rebecca Miller                22:11          21
               3.   Debbie Heifner                23:15          28
               4.   Jessica Jolly                 23:51          29
               5.   Donna Romans                  24:21          32
               6.   Sherry Simon                  25:32          38
               7.   Andrea Woods                  25:49          40
               8.   Esther Schneider              25:56          41
               9.   Jennifer Tyler                26:08          42
               10.  Dana Fritz                    27:01          44
               11.  Nancy Sublette                27:18          45
               12.  Leslie Schneider              27:21          46
               13.  Terra Henry                   27:28          47
               14.  Sandra Rice                   28:38          50
               15.  Abby Moorhead                 28:39          51
               16.  Carolyn Voss                  28:40          52
               17.  Margret Rutherford            29:05          53
               18.  Patty Powers                  29:12          55
               19.  Jeanelle Twillman             29:25          56
               20.  Emily Ross                    31:57          60
               21.  Linda Vogt                    33:49          62
               22.  Nancy Lee                     34:27          63
               23.  Paula Burger                  34:35          64
               24.  Emily Enkvetchakul            34:46          65
               25.  Elizabeth Gerhardt            34:55          67
               26.  Laura Rushing                 35:53          68
               27.  Tiffany Harris                36:38          70