Great Sandbagger 10K Race August 6, 2005

Sinclair Road

Columbia, Missouri


Temp. 67 F. at the start of the hilly out and back race.  Thirteen would-be prevaricators took a shot at the traveling trophy, first won in 1970.  Patty Ferguson took off first with a designated time of 62 minutes.  Alan Benjamin who sandwiched the race into a long training run was last off the line with a designated time of 45:30.  The way it should work, theoretically, is that people predict their race times accurately and everyone would finish together around the same actual time.  However, this race stimulates inflated predicted times, read slower than ability would indicate times, so the slowest predicted time leaves the start line first, and the fastest predicted time leaves last.  The first runner across the finish line wins the Great Sandbagger Trophy.  Such an eventuality means that the winner gets to put his or her name on the trophy, adds some bauble or feature to the trophy, and must insure that the trophy appears at the race the following year.  Oscar Chavez won having run 10.5 minutes faster than predicted.  The fastest real time was turned in by Harvey James in 44:05, but he finished 5th.  Special thanks goes to Anne Hessler for timing and to Julia and Alex Chavez for help at the finish line.


Dick Hessler, race director.



1. Oscar Chavez           35:21               46:51 Real Time

2. Jason Rollins             39:28               53:58

3. Patty Ferguson         40:57               57:27

4. Abby Lane               41:32               57:02

5. Harvey James           41:35               44:04

6. Andy Vecellio           41:40               53:10

7. Emily Crow              41:52               56:22

8. Paul Lane                 42:16               49:46

9. Steve Lightner          44:16               47:46

10. Glen Phaup             45:23               48:53

11. Allan Benjamin       46:10               46:10

12. Rob Foss               46:36               49:06

13. Joe Duncan            47:39               61:09