1999 Couples Run/Walk 4 Miler

Six couples and four individuals competed on May 8, 1999 in the Spring Couples 4 mile run.  It was a perfect running day; mid-50's, sunshine, and a little wind to move the runners along. Due to the gracious dinner awards provided by Chevy's, Olive Garden, Old Chicago, Fazzolli's and Ryan's, eight out of the sixteen runners went home with a dinner. Many thanks to Joe Duncan and Bill Wilson for their race support.

-Race Director Amy Gundy

Individuals	       Age	Time 
1.  Jeff Brault 	29	21:19 
2.  Scott Mantooth 	37	21:32 
3.  Mark Wilson 	37	23:24 
4.  Tod Holdorf 	35 	25:07 
5.  Darrin Young 	32 	25:09 
6.  Carol Witczak 	22 	26:42 
7.  Stacy Reed   	35 	27:59 
8.  Jalal El-Jayyousi 	35 	29:02 
9.  JB Waggoner 	30 	32:24 
10. Joshua Mantooth 	10 	32:23 
11. Brenda Mantooth 	35 	33:33 
12. Carolyn Wilson 	60 	33:42 
13. Don Waltman 	63 	35:42 
14. Denise Estabrooks	44 	36:24 
15. Dan Schoenleber 	43 	36:52 
16. Boots Gerhardt 	78 	55:33 

Couples Results: 
Team Combined age Combined Time 
Combined age 72 and under 
1. 	Jeff Brault 
	Carol Witczaak	51	48:01 
2.	Stacy Reed 
	Mark Wilson 	72 	51:23 
3.	Scott Mantooth 
	Brenda Mantooth	72 	55:05 

Combined age 79 and over 
1.	Denise Estabrooks 
	Tod Holdorf 	79 	61:31 
2.	Don Waltman 
	Carolyn Wilson 	123 	69:24 
3.	Jalal El-Jayousi 
	Bots Gerhardt 	13 	4:35