Two-Person Relay

Two-Person Relay

April 10, 2004

     This year we had six teams on this Easter weekend, despite the drizzle that lasted most of the race.

     21 year old Paula Rice was in town for the weekend, and talked her 17 year old cousin David Huffman into running the race. The two were not only the first male-female team, but first overall. David also had the fastest individual lap of the day, running the final one in 64 seconds.

     19 year old Jonathan Stenger turned in the fastest individual performance, averaging 73.8 seconds per lap. The father-daughter team of Dale and Rebecca Willis had an excellent day, finishing in under 30 minutes. It may not be too many years before nine year old Rebecca catches up with dear old Dad.

     Thanks to Tina Bridges and Richard King, for help with timing the event.

Race Director - Kurt Kennett

  Names Time Lap
  Paula Rice
David Huffman
27:24 1:21.6
  Jonathan Stenger
Kirk Sloan
27:54 1:33.6
  Andy Emerson
Hugh Emerson
29:36 1:21.7
  Dale Willis
Rebecca Willis
29:58 1:22.3
  Tony Spaedy
Joe Love
32:51 1:28.5
  Marcela Chavez
Oscar Chavez
41:03 2:40.6