Two-Person Relay

Two-Person Relay

April 6, 2002

      Five teams showed up this year for the annual Two Person relay, where each team runs 8000 meters, alternating each 400 meters. This year's event saw one new club record, in the female-female division. The team of Michele McFadden and Alison Hodgson destroyed the old record by 59 seconds! They finished second overall with a time of 27:10. The former record holders (from 1985) teamed up the following year, and established a new record in the 'pregnant women' division, with both ladies at least five months along. We'll have to wait and see with the McFadden-Hodgson duo.

      First overall, and first in the male-male division were Stephen Bourgeois and Christian Reed in an impressive time of 24:08. In third place overall were Andy Emerson and Hugh Emerson who managed to get in under the 30 minute barrier in 29:57. We'll have to check, but the two may have also established a new record in the bearded division.

      First for the father-daughter combo were Dick Hessler and Amy Gundy in 31:38. They were off the pace of their record for the event, which the two set 20 years ago. It's still in dispute as to which one has slowed down, causing them to miss their old mark. First for the father-son division were Warren and John (age 11) Prost, who finished in 35:41.

      The ladies were also the most consistent today, with Alison Hodgson's splits all within four seconds. Her teammate Michele McFadden kept her splits all within six seconds. For the men, Dick Hessler was the most consistent with a six second differential in his splits.

      Thanks to Tina Bridges and Dave Coogan, for help with timing the event.

Race Director - Kurt Kennett

  Names Time Lap
  Stephen Bourgeois
Christian Reed
24:08 1:14.1
Michele McFadden
Alison Hodgson
27:10 1:20.9
  Andy Emerson
Hugh Emerson
29:57 1:23.0
  Amy Gundy
Dick Hessler
31:38 1:43.1
  Warren Prost
John Prost
35:41 1:49.2