Hannah Hassemer

Age: 14

Mile 6:42
Two Miles 14:38
Three Miles 22:22

Weekly Mileage: 12-15 miles

When Did You Start Running? When I was 7 years old I attended my first CTC Fun Meet. I liked to run all the events. On Trophy Night, I decided to give the three mile a try and found out that I loved running long distances.

Who Is Your Running Role Model? Who Has Influenced You Most In Running? Jackie Joyner Kersee is my role model because of the things she does for the community and because of the great goals she sets for herself.

Running in School: I ran for Smithton, and I also run for the CTC Colts

What Is Your Favorite Workout? I love to run for 30 minutes on the roads and have my dad ride his bike beside me. It really helps me to push myself when he is riding alongside talking to me.

Personal Info and Interests: Besides running, I enjoy playing basketball and played on the Smithton School team. I like to run with my dog, Daisy.