C O L U M B I A   T R A C K   C L U B

much of this web page is years out of date; we're working with our internet provider to bring the WordPress-based site back.
Home Calendar Races Youth Members Links
If you run, jog, or walk...

The Columbia Track Club might offer something you like!

CTC offers a year-round program of events for people of all ages.
Our aim: Health, Fitness, & FUN!

We do a lot of nice things as a club.

Here's some more about CTC.

Are you ready to join CTC?

Give CTC some feedback.

Click here to join columbiarunning
Click to join columbiarunning,
the mailing list where we
talk about our races and training runs

Two groups on Facebook that you might want to join:
The Tuesday/Thursday 5:30 AM Running Group
and/or the Uprise Runners Group (Saturday mornings)

Here's a map of this web site.